Sunday, 9 October 2011


Life has a funny way of changing you. Sometimes it feels like the hits just keep coming. Sometimes you really feel like you're drowning in madness. But sometimes you wake up, stumble through your moments of desired normalcy and realize; you're not drowning or dying or suffocating. You're simply adjusting to the funny changes of life.

Some of these changes bring fear. Anxiety. Loathing. Confrontation. Some of them bring unrelenting sadness. But some of those painful, gut-wrenchingly embarrassing moments bring unadulterated joy and pride. They bring strength and belonging. Contentment and relief. Acceptance and gratitude.

Through many stages of my life I have wished, hoped and prayed for a better...experience. A better life. A Fame. Fortune. Artistic flair. A talent that I could exploit and own. It has taken many years for me to accept that this is the hand I've been dealt.

I still have moments of despair and endless questions of why, how...WHEN. And through it all I have learned one thing: THIS IS IT.

There's no chopping or changing or replays. You can't go back and edit the film. This is it. This is all you get. This moment - right here.

So find a way to make it work. To own it. To LIVE it. Life isn't going to wait for you.

Neither is your sanity.